Apple’s Supplier Responsibility Progress Report 2012

Apple’s Supplier Responsibility Progress Report 2012

Highlights from the report:

  • In 2011, Apple conducted 229 audits throughout the supply chain — an 80 percent increase over 2010 — including more than 100 first-time audits. This year Apple added more detailed and specialized audits that focus on safety and the environment.
  • Apple-designed training programs have educated more than one million supply chain employees about local laws, their rights as workers, occupational health and safety, and Apple’s Supplier Code of Conduct.
  • In 2011, in addition to Apple’s standard audits, they launched a specialized auditing program to address environmental concerns about certain suppliers in China. Third-party environmental engineering experts worked with the team to conduct detailed audits at 14 facilities. Apple will expand the environmental auditing program in the coming year.
  • Apple have a zero-tolerance policy for underage labor, and perhaps it is the toughest in the electronics industry. In 2011, Apple broadened the age verification program and saw dramatic improvements in hiring practices by their suppliers.
  • Apple offer education opportunities at their suppliers’ facilities free of charge. More than 60,000 workers have enrolled in classes to study business and entrepreneurship, improve their computer skills, or learn English.

Read the full report (PDF) on Apple’s web site for Supplier Resposibility »